I'm having computer problems. I know it's time to upgrade
to a better computer.I think my power supply is dying and
I have to replace it,I thought it was a virus,because
the computer was acting "funny". So,the top picture is my old
computer,and the second picture will be my new "media center"
that includes a handy cassette built in to the keyboard to make
better music posts.I guess you can't have 4 hard drives,an
ipod,and a toaster attached all at once. Oops.
Maybe Santa will bring me another computer that works.
But I don't know if I was a good blogger or not.
Stay tuned for more cool music soon, I promise!
your doin a good job man hope you get what you asked for and not cole from ol st nick.
if the photo represents your most recent computer, it's certainly time to update:P But thx for all the cool stuff you posted:)!
Instead of a PET I'd suggest an iMac!
No virus and it's more modern!
I talked to some elves and Santa sent this message!
Ho Ho Ho You have been a very good blogger this year! Santa is bringing you a new computer with the latest version of Windows 3.0!
Merry Christmas from the Elves!
Get a Commodore Vic 20.
Great blog - hope you resolve your computer problems soon.
Please check out my blog:
Thanks again,
James Dead
Red: I think Windows 3.0 works even better than the latest Windows 7.
But I got one better Windows 3.1 It's improved I heard from some elves.I'm using 8" floppy discs to back up my programs-I get 100 kbs per floppy!)It's great!!! Look out,here I come!
Yeah,Mac's are better,and you know it.I'm so sick of glitches,popups,spyware,what else?
Isn't that enough to rip your hair out?
... and I think Santa will bring you a "5-stars bloggers Rating" too !
Add me to the choir here to say thank you for all of the wonderful music you've shared with us over time. and I hope you'll get your computer problems solved. And I agree with aaplcat, I would go with an iMac. My nephew has one and swears by it. He will NOT go back to a PC. Merry Christmas to all!
I can only dream about such Hi-Tech machines! (you can buy 120 min. cassettes i'm told!)regards!"TRG"
120 minute cassettes?! I'm already stocking up. Ho Ho Ho.
hi Mojo! Sorry for your pc troubles...
thx for your job!
i 've added your blog to my blog list.
see you soon!
Thanks,I'm getting some things ready for you,and will post them soon,and I think you will dig it.
I knew that I had been away for a while, but I didn't know you had hired Fred Flintstone for your techie. I wouldn't open any email with that without lots of coffee handy.
Hoping Red Neckersons Santa talk gets you what you desperately need to keep you around for another year. We are losing too many of the blogs.
Merry Christmas...
Having read your recent post on Redneckerson's Radio Up, I would like to reaffirm the wonderful work that you and your fellow bloggers do for little or no reward. You're eclectic tastes, never fail to serve up a platter of delicacies to this music starved American in Australia. You're Jimmy Reed, Little Walter (methinks) and Bo Diddley collections have made a believer out of me. For this I am forever in your debt, as you have rekindled my interest in blues music, which in itself was a much needed shot to my soul. Thanks Mojo Repair Shop you rock!
greetings from OZ and merry XMAS
Having read your recent post on Redneckerson's Radio Up, I would first like to reaffirm the wonderful work that you and your fellow bloggers do for little or no reward. You're eclectic tastes, never fail to serve up a platter of delicacies to this music starved American in Australia. You're Jimmy Reed, Little Walter (methinks) and Bo Diddley collections have made a believer out of me. For this I am forever in your debt, as you have rekindled my interest in blues music, which in itself was a much needed shot to my soul. Thanks Mojo Repair Shop you rock!
greetings from OZ and merry XMAS
Fred Flintstone works over at all of the windows based companies.And makes up new software like windows xp,vista,and the other ones don't work right...and make new ones every 2 years,so people have to "upgrade"....what a joke!
Fred also makes a lot of money from poor stupid people (like me)who buy a computer without any start up discs or back up discs,so if you do have an operating system that has a bug in it,you cannot repair it yourself.Instead you go to the nearest electronics store and try to get help,which usually ends up costing about half price of what your computer originally cost,making you feel like none of it is worth it.
Either way,the fact that companies like HP,and others don't give you back up OS systems discs is a built in gotcha.Then you are screwed,when you have a problem.
So,the moral of this story is, buy a Mac! They give you back up discs,they resist viruses because no one seems to bother making up viruses for them,and they run better,and Macs are prone to keep working year after year with less problems. (I'm learning)
Computers that are desktops/laptops using an Windows based system,costing 400-500-900 dollars and up just are made too cheaply,they pre-load things, and let you go,knowing when you have problems you will be back for repairs,soon. Ha ha!
I think it's terrible what they do to the public when it comes to consumer electronics!
Word to the wise,buy a Mac,and partition it with windows software if you need certain software that is not made by apple...this is a tough world we live in,don't let people who write viruses beat you.
And don't worry,about the music stuff,I check things carefully...I'm doing the best I can,until I get another computer.
Sounds like someone got what they wanted and needed for Christmas. Very nice.
Unfortunately, my piece of the world still requires that I use windows products, but I make sure I use AMD for my processor (A real work horse) and separate external hard drives for important stuff.
Thanks for your hilarious follow up and I wait to see what shows up for 2010 on your site. I think you have a lot to offer with this site and your standards are excellent.
Thank you,
No,I didn't get a computer yet. Still looking at them,and testing them,and asking a lot of questions.
I don't have a lot of experience with Macs...so I ask a lot of questions,how else can I learn?
I'm still using a lousey desktop computer with issues,but I managed to make it work for now.With a lot of screaming obscenities,you should hear me!
Lucky my friends never see this side of me! I don't know how much longer it will work,but I really like hearing people's comments on good and bad computers.(I have a ball peen hammer nearby the computer for the next time it does this) I like to hear real people's comments,not store clerks who just want to make a sale.You know what I mean?
Thanks for the kind comments.
I hope to find more music for 2010,and beyond.
lol love them old computers those look windows 7 64 bit ready... and that half terabyte video cards... smoking!! lol..
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