Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wanda Jackson- Rockin' With Wanda - Fujiyama Mama

Happy Mother's Day Fujiyama Mama. This is the real shit! This
release contains
her strongest tracks, and all 18 of them will convert
your miserable soul to
rockabilly music, and those good girls gone bad.

Never mind that sleepy
old timey album cover, what's inside is where it's at mister.
She's a real rockabilly/country shouter and make sure you
listen to these tracks or else! Rock Your Baby, You're The One For Me,
Cool Love, Hot Dog! That Made Him Mad, Mean Mean Man,
Baby Loves Him, and of course, Dona 'a Wan 'a.
Oh sorry I've been a bad blogger lately. I had a computer
virus take
out 2 terabytes of my life. I'm sure I'll be back soon
with more
Buffalo Bops(when I find them again) but surely more
Rockabilly,Doo Wop and good Rock and Roll. I just wish them
kids would get a real
job instead of planting viruses making our
lives difficult and costly.
I know,
I know it's time to get a Mac, don't tell me,I already
know it.
After listening to this wonderful release drop me a line,
and tell me
what you think. Link in the comments,hipsters.


garage 66 & mojo repair shop said...

Here's the real queen of rockabilly:

Howdy said...

The Queen of Cool for sure. I finally got a clean copy of this back in the early 90's. Does it get any better?

The Milner Coupe said...

Thanks for the album. And much appreciation for the cover shot. Really helps the old MediaMonkey.

Wanda really holds her own with 'ol Sun boys, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Great share, and great blog. Thanks!

Log Cabin Stories said...

Love Wanda's music. Good to see you're back! I'm looking forward to more Buffalo Bops.


Exeter said...

I'm gettin' my Mojo repaired here, that's for certain!

Sören said...

Sorry to hear - 2TB of Data is indeed a great loss... for all of us.

Thanks for Wanda!

Uncle Gil said...

Thanks for your kind words on my blog!
All my best

jamesy said...

Haven't heard this one for a loooong time. Thanks for posting.

jamesy said...
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jamesy said...
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jamesy said...
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inkyabyss said...

Wanda isn't just cool, but possessed one of the sexiest singing voices ever. I've been listening to her steadily for decades and have yet to grow tired of her sound.

Great share. Many thanks.

Roadrunner said...

Hola tengo este disco hace años y me parece fabuloso..Gran post!!

garage 66 & mojo repair shop said...

Thank you Roadrunner and Red Neckerson for your support and..really do love your blogs guys!
I would have more Buffalo Bop Rockabilly,hopefully soon,but had a lot of,um, let's just say computer issues. I had about 150 of them on my computer when it crashed.
But I think I backed them up in time. Should teach me a lesson,you'd think.