who want some holiday music,and the gift of music all around here.
It keeps me from my blogging and getting a chance to listen to more
cool rockabilly sounds. Well this volume of Buffalo Bop is just as strong
as most of the others, featuring another can't-go-wrong 30 tracks, from
the early 1950's-to the early early 1960's. But never, ever venturing
into surf land. This is all strictly 50's rockabilly rock, and it's all from
the smallest independent labels from all over the great U.S. of A.
The strong tracks here are: Roly Poly, I Can't Stay Mad At You,
Boogie Beat, You Shake Me, Teenage Boogie, I Was Too Blind,
Saturday Jump, The Slide and The Surfin' Freeze.
While The Surfin' Freeze is not a "surf" song, it's more
of a strange California themed rock song stuck on the twist craze
kinda beat.Perhaps the waves are on the rise,and Dick Dale will soon
show up,knock our socks off,,and start a new sound. We hope so.
But for now, it's rockabilly.Link in the comments rock and roll hounds
and kitties.
Rock on here:
Muchas gracias, senorita.
If I may place a request for early next year, after you've recovered from all the festivities...
55007 A Ball Tonight
55010 Teenage Doll!
55011 Wa-Chic-Ka-Nocka
55016 Rompin' Stompin'
55018 High School Caesar
55019 It's Rock'n Roll
Thanks again for all the hard work.
Happy New Year!
Marc (Canada)
"High School Caesar" GETS My *vote*
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