Music from the past and present: Garage,Surf,Instrumental,
Rockabilly,Novelty,Old Rhythm & Blues,Psychedelic,Blues,Anything Unusual-music you should hear!
I'm here to repair your broken mojo.
Savage Pencil Presents: Angel Dust! Music For Movie Bikers.Cool all the way around, it's music from soundtracks of that period from 1968-1972 or so, and features the leading fuzz instrumentals from Davie Allan & The Arrows, East West Pipeline, Harley Hatcher, The Hogs, Paul Wibler,The Poor and Stu Phillips. I transferred this from vinyl to CD, so you can all rev your engines to this. This weekend is the celebration of Harley Davidson's 105th Anniversary so, that's why I featured this here for you. It's better than hearing the same old "biker tune" "Born To Be Wild"...which is so worn out! My favorite tune has to be Paul Wibler "Satan (Theme)",which must be one of thee most twisted strange little songs I know of. I didn't make any repairs to the vinyl, or try to "restore" the sound. So you get it naked, and no sound loss. I think I heard one or two small pops or clicks, so deal with it. I wanted to keep the integrity of the sound, because surprisingly, whenever your transfer your vinyl to CD, it really sounds wonderful. A. You get to hear it again, B. digitizing it, makes it more portable,ipod-able, and easier to play more often than not. (my vinyl collection is in excellent shape because I'm too lazy to throw on a record, where a CD is often slapped on the player and played more often. I'd like to see this album re-issued with bonus tracks, and I'll be right in line buying it again. Just make sure you keep the awesome cover artwork, and insides the same. I expect to see bikers this weekend from all over the world, flags a flying from everyone who loves Harley Davidson motorcycles... all leathery,dirty,sweaty, ratty long hair, crusty, with supremely noisey motorcycles revving their way back home to Milwaukee, where they were originally born! This is a pretty amazing sight, they're expecting well over 250,000 motorcycles,and then some. Here's the soundtrack to it...
The Vogue French singles were the most highly prized and collectible 1960's picture sleeves, and Magic Records did me a huge favor by reproducing these exactly as they would have been seen in the mid-60's. I'm a picture sleeve collector AND and 60's music collector. How can you not love the bands' pictures on the front AND the music. It's like a sugar coated cereal for diabetics.I love the look of these pic sleeves,cause they say it all. 60's PUNK! Yeah baby! While there's nothing new musically if you're a typical 60's music collector,(you should already own this music stuff or you're an idiot anyways) the little CD singles of happiness sound fabulous, and feature 3-4 tracks per sleeve.And I count 14 sleeves, with some great "B-sides" They also sound like nothing else-it says on the back of the box set that they are remastered in High Definition 24-Bit. Yeah,they really do sound different, and I must always say that most 60's singles were produced in MONO and do generally sound better that way! If you didn't know it,and need to be reminded, MOST 60's singles came out originally in the MONO form,because they were geared for the teenage lima bean market of AM radio top 40 charts,and they have a terrific sound all of their own.When played on your 1960's car radio with one measly speaker, those singles sounded like a symphony. They sound better than your current CD's and vinyl and have a nice 3D feel to them. So,vinyl purists, you can still have your sound, and quality, and eat your cake too. I just don't know, the idea of playing only 3-4 tracks on one CD,and then having to change the disc,is sorta stupid, but, that's the way these singles came out originally,in France.And they're keeping that artistic look of them nicely, they even reproduced the single's paper sleeve centers on the printing directly on the discs! Talk about fans! These guys are as crazy as I am, I would have done the same thing! Make it look exactly like it did in the mid-60's, and make it sound the same too. Bravo! I couldn't afford these original singles,whenever I saw one, and whenever I saw a picture of one,I drooled. So, I included scans of each and every single,because they are pretty little jewels. What can be said about the bands that already hasn't been said before? I can't add anything, and besides, I'm lazy.The music speaks for itself well enough. Some of the music is more ground breaking for the time, and some of it is clever pop music, that's slightly better than most. (the Electric Prunes,We The People and the like are far more ground-breaking than say the silly Kasenetz-Katz Music Explosion bubblegum sticky sweet pop) But still even THAT kind of music has it's place in my black garage punk heart. I'm not crazy about Western Union Man By The Five Americans, but hearing it again, on these discs, actually makes it sound like fun again! The sound is luscious, thick, and as gorgeous as a freshly popped open original copy of the 13th Floor Elevators album right from that era. Even you die hard vinyl purist collector scum will want to hear this. It would be nice if you liked this stuff, and made a comment. I always like reading your opinions and thoughts, and just knowing you appreciate my efforts bringing you this music,it makes my little heart go pitter,patter. Who's on this? The Electric Prunes, We The People, The Seeds, The 13th Floor Elevators, The Music Explosion, The Five Americans, The Syn, The Shadows Of Knight, The Count 5 and The Shakepeares.
This is disc 3 and the final one of the series-The Kinks In Koncert. What can I say about it? This is live November 21st,1970 at Pierce College Woodland Hills, California. On their college touring days, trying to pick up steam and find their old fans again. The Kinks are mature sounding,and playing their best songs ever! The sound is great, and this is also the year they came back to the United States after being blacklisted several years for some small infraction years ago,(touring the USA)some disagreement, that cost them so much in sales, and income, and lost popularity.The details are so strange and sketchy,it never made any sense to me either. After reading Ray's biography, and two other Kinks' books: The Kinks-The Official Biography By Jon Savage,and the recent The Kinks- All Day And All Of The Night By Doug Hinman, I still think it's confusing. But I can recommend reading all of those books. Especially the recent one by Doug Hinman,because it lists a complete day-by-day concerts,recordings, and broadcasts 1961-1996. And boy is it interesting.Talk about a hard working band! They never took a day off, and their schedule was relentless. I don't know how they were able to write and record songs,even! Well, here's an incredible show from 1970, and it is glorious. All hail The Kinks!
Here's disc 2 of this series,which is all BBC Tracks, that never seemed to be released, for whatever reason, probably the sound quality, as the BBC never seemed to keep these tracks around,and actually taped over a lot of these special radio shows! What?! I don't know, I guess they thought that this was a passing phase,and it wouldn't last, and besides, it was "just that pop music" and who would think this many years later people still really love this music? Well, I suppose it's just like the same people at Decca Records,who passed on the Beatles, and are kicking themselves to this day.That they ended up signing the Rolling Stones, and would never ever make that same mistake again. Now, I'll bet the BBC saves everything like those crazy people who hoard things,and can't even walk through their homes anymore.Well, I'm getting off track here... The BBC should be spanked hard and I'd like to be the first one to do it! Anyways,this disc will do, and fill in my Kinky pleasures. It features Kinks tracks from 1963 to 1972. And the best version of "Animal Farm" (from The Village Green era) Kool!
Yeah I think someone posted some Crusaders on their blog site recently,but they didn't post this one from 1996.This is fair game. So let's add this one too,because YES I think this is a great band who is shame-fully unknown! They're from Australia, and play a mixture of surf,garage,and punk music. And yeah they play wearing these awful costumes,and they look like "Crusaders" Get it? They're a rough and tumble bunch, a lot like the Mummies,but without the funny smell! They drink a lot, and have more fun than we do! They're probably still playing in Australia right now.But I haven't seen any of their releases lately, and have to wonder if they broke up. (?)It would be a shame as well, they released some fine music on Dionysus Records,and Larsen Records(France) and a few singles on other small labels. They did tour the United States in 1998 (I think that was the year I saw them play) (It's kinda blurry to me)and they never came back since (that I know of). So the best I can do for you is at least make this available to you to hear. I love them,once I heard the single "Yeah Yeah" on Dionysus, I couldn't help but love them, and buy all of their records! Please do the same!
What can be said about them, that the Mummies already haven't said about themselves? Ha ha! They are wacky,wild, and unfortunately broken up. This band is a great yardstick for your band. Get wild, go crazy, and play in smelly mummy bandages. Maybe not the last part. But certainly let it all hang out, and play like it was your last show ever. What have you got to lose? Their shows are now legendary, and I only wish you could look through my eyes, and have seen this band play! What a tornado of flying keyboards,guitars, and bandages. Almost like a cartoon Never a dull moment, and good music too? Wow! At some point you could check You Tube and do a search, and maybe some lively person might have uploaded one of those now legendary live show clips,and you might get a feel for how they were. Chaos! If you want pretty music, then get your assigned seat at some large venue, for $150.00,in the nosebleed section, or sit up front with this band for $6.00 (plus two other great bands) and if you're not afraid to get a little dirty from the flying debris, you'll have a much better time at a small club show with bands like the Mummies and their friends, and have something really to remember the rest of your stupid life! You haven't lived until you hear this: 1.Your Ass(Is Next In Line) 2.Stronger Than Dirt 3.Little Miss Tee-N-T 4.Come On Up 5.Sooprise Package For Mr. Mineo 6.Rosie 7.Shot Down 8.The Ballad Of Iron Eyes Cody 9.Skinny Minnie 10.She Lied 11.The Red Cobra #9 12.The Frisko Freeze 13.Justine 14.Mariconda's A Friend Of Mine 15.The Thing From Venus 16.Shut Yer Mouth 17.Jezebel BONUS TRACKS: 18.(You Must Fight To Live)On The Planet Of The Apes 19.Whitecaps 20.I'm Down 21.Your Love 22.Uncle Willie.
The smell of waves crashing. The swell of sweat-drenched cardigans draped casually over the tops of superheated amplifiers...Girls, beer, mystery, and madness-all here in the high-octane sound of The Finks. So what are you waiting for? Here's the key, rev-up the turntable, and take an unforgettable "spin" with the Finks today!Well, that sounds like fun, except the part about putting your cardigan on the top of your amp. Now, we're shorting out amps, and starting fires. That wasn't the fun part, they were talking about. The whole band wears cardigans in the inside photos.I'm glad they got rid of that look.They eventually turned into the Bomboras,and then, morphed into The Lords Of Altamont. And gosh, gee, they are all swell bands! I count myself lucky, for the fabulous Bomboras let me hear some "unreleased" tracks from their finest tour van tape recordings called "Dining Across America", I heard thee most God-awful fart sounds! I told them to release them right away (now they'll know who I am). Anyways, this is more surf,instrumental garage fun...and also best heard in your next pool party! Here's the stuff: 1.Haunted Fink 2.Similau 3.The Nomad 4. Latin'ia 5.Hang On 6. 12 Miles To Babylon 7.Hava Nagila 8.The Eliminator 9.Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde 10.Cecilia Ann 11.Steel Pier 12.Road Kill 13.Lucha Libre 14.Squad Car 15.Creeper 16. Out Of Control 17.Moment Of Truth 18.The Crusher
Shit Sandwich just happens to be my favorite song on here...It's Sweet, Sultry and Swinging! Again, this is more surf instrumentals of the highest quality! This release is on Estrus Records,and also worth tracking down. My little sticker from this album says: "Also includes the following hits missing from the menu: Backyard Compost, and Haunted House Of Rock '95".(I don't want to miss a thing!And now,you won't either) Here's the tracks surf boy: 1. Soul Pilgrim 2. Steel Peer 3. Plymouth Rock 4. Scatter Shield 5. Morpheus 6. Spoke 7. Shit Sandwich 8. Pilgrim Stomp 9. Beach Creep 10. Action Plus 11. Small Craft Advisory 12. Shootin' The Pier 13. Let's Go To The Beach. You must go to Trustar Vibrations blogspot and seek more fabulous surf instrumentals! The link is on my page of "Hipsters".
A mixture of instrumentals and surf music.One of my favorite bands from the fabulous great Northwest! Now,I know that Trustar Vibrations beat me to posting some Satan's Pilgrims.But at least this is different. This would be their first release on Empty records,and well worth tracking down. They have other releases on Estrus records too. I collected everything from this band, because they're very easy to like. Here's the tracks, give it a listen or two...easy to become addicted to, and great for your next pool party. 1. Que Honda? 2. Turkey Trot 3. Movin' 4. Surf Lyre 5. Mr. Moto 6. Peter Lorre 7. Petty-43 8. Squad Car 9. Music To Watch Girls By 10. El Rey! 11. Burnin' Rubber 12. Sno-Dad 13. John's Moods 14. The Lonely Pilgrim 15. Satan's Theme