What can I say about it? This is live November 21st,1970 at Pierce
College Woodland Hills, California. On their college touring days,
trying to pick up steam and find their old fans again.
The Kinks are mature sounding,and playing their best songs ever!
The sound is great, and this is also the year they came back to the
United States after being blacklisted several years for some small
infraction years ago,(touring the USA)some disagreement, that cost
them so much in sales, and income, and lost popularity.The details
are so strange and sketchy,it never made any sense to me either.
After reading Ray's biography, and two other Kinks' books:
The Kinks-The Official Biography By Jon Savage,and the recent
The Kinks- All Day And All Of The Night By Doug Hinman, I still
think it's confusing. But I can recommend reading all of those books.
Especially the recent one by Doug Hinman,because it lists a
complete day-by-day concerts,recordings, and broadcasts 1961-1996.
And boy is it interesting.Talk about a hard working band! They never
took a day off, and their schedule was relentless. I don't know how
they were able to write and record songs,even! Well, here's an
incredible show from 1970, and it is glorious. All hail The Kinks!
Thanks for all the Kinks' rare stuff !
Mr. Mojo Repairman, could you please repair this broken link? :)
Hey Mojo.
Please put the Kinks stuff up again. I'm a Kinks freak and can't find this stuff anywhere. I'll be forever in your debt
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