Music from the past and present: Garage,Surf,Instrumental,
Rockabilly,Novelty,Old Rhythm & Blues,Psychedelic,Blues,Anything Unusual-music you should hear!
I'm here to repair your broken mojo.
Well I hope this one puts you in the mood of Christmas. I'm practically dreading it myself, yet I am having such a fine time searching every body's else's fabulous blogs of Christmas music. The weirder the better,please! This is a wonderful volume of strictly Christmas themed rockabilly tracks. Another 30 tracks, every one of 'em are winners! I'm currently digging these fine tracks: Rock Around The Christmas Tree, Sleigh Bell Rock, The Wildest Christmas, Rock n' Rudolph, Reindeer Rock, Jingle Bells Boogie, and of course I Wanna Spend Christmas With Elvis. Not your usual Christmas "Simon,Alvin and Theodore,Jingle Bell Barking Dogs,or Jingle Cats Meowing Bad Christmas Tunes", so this should delight even the toughest holiday music critics! Music makes the house seem more festive, so rock on here! Links in the comments. Only 12 more days until Christmas!
Oh,this cover on Rock-A-Billy Barnyard is priceless isn't it? If you had a big red Cadillac in the yard , how come you can't afford that uppity indoor plumbing? And yeah, I've worn those gingham checked dresses while doing the chores...but I'd probably turn around and yell at those guys to help me tote my bucket, you lazy mules! Well, 30 more fabulous rockabilly rock songs from the 1950's. The theme should be chickens,horsies, and cows, but it isn't. Only one song about chickens, but the rest are all top flight rockabilly styled music just like all of the other volumes.The stand out songs here are: On The Warpath, Tall Oak Tree, Born Unlucky, Barnyard Rock n' Roll, If You Don't Like My Apples (great title) and The Dirty Bird Song (You Can't Hardly Get Them No More). Entertaining volume of rock and roll. It's all from the original vinyl singles! Link in the comments section, you hillbillies.
It's a busy busy Mojo Repair Shop,why, there's a lot of people who want some holiday music,and the gift of music all around here. It keeps me from my blogging and getting a chance to listen to more cool rockabilly sounds. Well this volume of Buffalo Bop is just as strong as most of the others, featuring another can't-go-wrong 30 tracks, from the early 1950's-to the early early 1960's. But never, ever venturing into surf land. This is all strictly 50's rockabilly rock, and it's all from the smallest independent labels from all over the great U.S. of A. The strong tracks here are: Roly Poly, I Can't Stay Mad At You, Boogie Beat, You Shake Me, Teenage Boogie, I Was Too Blind, Saturday Jump, The Slide and The Surfin' Freeze. While The Surfin' Freeze is not a "surf" song, it's more of a strange California themed rock song stuck on the twist craze kinda beat.Perhaps the waves are on the rise,and Dick Dale will soon show up,knock our socks off,,and start a new sound. We hope so. But for now, it's rockabilly.Link in the comments rock and roll hounds and kitties.
Sugaree is a sweet volume of cool rockin' tracks: here's my list of favorites: Raw Deal, Froggy Went A Courting, Red Skin Rock, She's Just That Kind, Two Timer,Smooth Operator, Stop Your Knockin', The Pigeon, Waitin' For You To Call, and If You Can't Rock Me. No crap here, all toe tappin' fun. 30 more tracks, please read the post under Alley Cat, I've got some other Buffalo Bops and Dee Jay Jamborees with the sounds of Doo Wop,and I'm not sure you folks will dig that music. It's not my favorite type of music, but hey, maybe you want me to post that ? Thanks,and link information is in the comments section. (from now on).
Well, this title pretty much says it all doesn't it? You betcha! Another 30 tracks of vintage rockabilly from the 1950's, with cool songs like: Wiggling Blond, How About A Date, Hot Dog, Bop A Lena, Rock n' Roll Grandpa, Raised On Rock n' Roll, It's A Lonely World, and Blankety Blank. It's a hoot to listen to, and I think this series will get you hooked to this sound, make sure you check out other blogs with this kind of fabulous music. If you're a total crack-pot like me, you might as well go under the google search engine,and type rockabilly and rapid share and look out. Hope you have a large hard drive, you rock and roll monkeys. I know some people like to abuse rapid share, but how can you when you get to hear all of this lovely music? Never complain about it because you never know when this whole damn thing will come to a crashing end. Links are now in the comments, okay?!
Meeow! The Alley Cat volume of Buffalo Bop contains 30 more tracks of keen 1950's rockabilly. And it's all good! They're rocking my stereo, and I'm digging these particular tracks: Jelly Roll Rock, Run Run Mabel, It's A Fad,Ma!, The Shake, Don't Be Unfair, I Love Her,Right Or Wrong, Go Cat's Go, Muscle Beach, and Nervous And Shakin' All Over. Another fine compilation of vintage sounds that are truly addictive. There's more Buffalo Bops and Dee Jay Jamborees I'm not sure you hep cats want me to post. I've got several volumes of Explosive Doo Wop, Philadelphia Doo Wop, Brooklyn Doo Wop, and White And Still All Right! Doo Wop From The Late 50's- Early 60's. You guys want that or just the rockabilly? To me, they're a contrast in music and different sounding... But hey, whatever floats your boat. I'm more the rocking type of chick/wacko myself. Your comments will either make them appear on this blog or not. So go to it. Either way, I'm rocking the whole Buffalo Bop series of rockabilly right now,folks. Information in the comments section.