Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Muddy Waters - The Complete Chess 1947-1967 Discs 7 & 8 My Dog Can't Bark

Discs seven and eight good music fans:
pretty much a lot of the songs appear on the Folksinger
album from disc seven. Disc eight really gets moving
with some faster blues numbers are probably younger
players with Muddy, that are spirited,I'm totally digging
the tune My Dog Can't Bark,too bad they didn't keep
the song going,it gets pretty interesting,then fades out.
I also like the tunes Put Me In Your Layaway Plan,
Hard Loser,Find Yourself Another Fool,
Kinfolk Blues,
and other standard shouters / blues wailers.
I'm apt to stay away from the 1968 horn tracks, like
Going Back To Memphis, and the country fried
Corine,Corina. It just doesn't sound like he's into
the groove,man. Oh well,there's still plenty o music
for everyone here whatever your thing is.

Disc 7:
1. Elevate Me Mama 2.So Glad I'm Living
3.My Love Strikes Like Lightning 4.Early In
The Morning 5.One More Mile 6. 12.Highway
7.You Don't Have To Go 8.Things I Used To Do
9.Wee Wee Baby 10.Sitting And Thinking
11.Clouds In My Heart 12.Got My Mojo Working
13.She's 19 Years Old 14.My Home Is the Delta
15.Long Distance 16.My Captain
17.Good Morning
Little Schoolgirl
18.You Gonna Need My Help

19.Cold Weather Blues 20.Big Leg Woman
21.Country Boy 22.Feel Like Going Home

Disc 8:
1.The Same Thing 2.You Can't Lose What You
Ain't Never Had 3.My John The Conquer Root
4.Short Dress Woman 5.Put Me In Your Lay Away
6.My Dog Can't Bark 7.I Got A Rich Man's Woman
8.Making Friends 9.Betty And Dupree 10.Trouble
11.Black Night 12.Trouble In Mind 13.Take My Advice
14.Hard Loser 15.Going Back To Memphis
16.Piney Brown Blues 17.Sweet Little Angel
18.Corine,Corina 19.It's All Over 20.County Jail
21.Two Steps Forward 22.Blind Man 23.Find Yourself
Another Fool 24.Kinfolk's Blues 25.Birdnest On The
Ground 26.When The Eagle Flies

Muddy Waters 7

Muddy Waters 8

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