each. Gotta have more Wolf, never can get enough. There's
some amazing outtakes, on these last disc. I'm talking
about disc 7. There's You Gonna Wreck My Life
(Alternate Take), Moaning For My Baby (3-4 takes),
I've Been Abused (Takes 5-7) Howlin' For My Darlin'
(Takes 1-7), and the best stuff is Mr. Airplane Man (Takes 1-2)
The Wolf messes up the lyrics, and the engineer, probably
Leonard Chess starts telling him,Ah...Wolf...the airplane flies
he doesn't sail...motherfucker"...Clearly Wolf just had
done a long session, and maybe screwed up a line...
usually they recorded long ass sessions, to get the
feeling right. All recorded live, why bother adding anything,it's
warts and all,and beautiful the way it is. The music,it's spine
tingling, it's ferocious, how do you top this?
I love the howls, and falsetto echoing howls.This is a cool
series of discs and I'm glad I could share them with you.
I'm not sure what I'm gonna post next, this series of discs has
got a hold on my ears. I might start going through more blues
discs, and well, I don't know, find another band to obsess
about, like usual.
Howlin' Wolf 6
Howlin' Wolf 7
Oh, YEAH! Wolf was the greatest!
Fantastic job with all these Wolf tunes! Thank you ever so much, bless you!
Bless you too Knoxx
thank you so much! I'm in total Howlin' Wolf mood now!
Thank you so very much. Wolf was the greatest.
Peace and blessings.
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