No one seems to know about this band,and I don't know why. It's the Pretty Things sort of in disguise, and
it's not your typical R & B/Bo Diddley sound they were famous for in 1964, this has a psychedelic sound to it. Not the fluffy UK psych you often hear, this actually has a catchey sound,and groove. Features the fabulous Phil May (vocals), the equally fabulous Dick Taylor (guitar), Wally Waller (bass), John Povey (drums,keyboards),
and John "Twink" Alder (other drums). Everyone is fabulous on this less known side project band...when I mentioned how I thought this band sounded better than the Pretty Things, they just laughed at me, and said
"This was just a side project, for a weird soundtrack". I didn't know what else to say. But now, I think, well, sometimes these "side projects" aren't taken so seriously, and bands, tend to "loosen up", and just play,and have fun with the music..... I guess that's why I like it so much. Thanks, enjoy the link below.
Wow! I've been looking for this since forever, and I can't wait to give it a listen. You've got a GREAT blog here - good mix of stuff, and no snotty, uptight, know-it-all attitude like you find at other music blogs. Good stuff, served up plain and simple...what's not to like? Keep up the good work!
Excellent! Electric Banana stuff is way too hard to find, but thanks to you we can finally hear it. Great stuff. Merci beaucoups!
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