1980's bands-they were called "The Paisley Underground" for years.
These bands were not slouches either! They introduced a lot of
garage music to me.I guess I can't help but group so many of them together:
The Fuzztones, Plasticland, The Chesterfield Kings, Plan 9, Thee Fourgiven,
The Sick Rose,The Untold Fables, The Vipers,Yard Trauma,
and the power pop sounds of The Vertebrats--they all did some
incredible styled 60's music. (I know I'm forgetting some bands here-
sorry-this just comes flowing out of my little head)
I think a lot of these bands were great,they were all fans of the 60's sound,
and always did some amazing original songs along with some obscure
outstanding covers right out of their record collections.These bands
certainly brought back good rock and roll into vogue. The Crawdaddys
were part of that group, and I have two wonderful things I want to offer
you here; this particular Voxx Records release, and Here 'Tis.
I was impressed by these guys right away, and bought everything
I saw by them whenever I could get my greasy little hands on it!
Thanks to Voxx for compiling all the singles,and EP's on these releases.
What would we do without Voxx Records for putting out some of the
best stuff? What also comes to mind from Voxx Records are the
Battle Of The Garages series. Which, really are "must-haves" for your
collection (along with The Crawdaddys!)
I'm giving you a garage education, now sit up straight, and pay attention!
This release features 22 tracks, I guess my favorites are the terrific
Willie Dixon covers. They are fab! Get on board the Crawdaddy Express.
howdy i was having trouble downloading this file all i get is a web link am i doing something wrong?
i was glad to see it on here i used to own a copy but has long since disappeared
It's seems to be working just fine.
If I have computer issues,I use the control key or ctrl,and it opens up a new page,and it works great.
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